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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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The best entry of the 2D era and possibly the only one worth playing.
despite the jank music, I've always thought the gba version was the best.
What other Final Fantasy games have you played?
None of the PRs are better than the originals.
FF4 is really good too. I actually was really fond of the steam version played on hard, even tho I grew up on the SNES original

6 is more fun for its gameplay, 4 is more fun if you enjoy a challenge
>What other Final Fantasy games have you played?
All of them up to and including 13, which is when I figured its a good time to stop bothering. I grew up with them.
>None of the PRs are better than the originals.
Absolutely wrong. This is the definitive way to experience this game.

Am I supposed to jump through each character's story as I meet them, or is it better that I finish them one by one? Right now I'm just kinda wandering aimlessly through the map.
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Try a Solopath run.
>Play each story to its conclusion
Needs grinding to meet level requirement and if you do then all the other story chapters will be faceroll
>Play every story at the same time
By the time you get to Chapter 2 you've been taken out of the first story that it feels lackluster

Honestly the one major flaw in their storytelling. I still liked it for what it was but the octopath system doesn't need to be continued.
How is it? It's going for 28$ on greenman.

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Which is superior?
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Fallout 2 is superior in every regard. Unlike BG2, it's actually an rpg too.
stop pretending you can read.
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We are now to the point where like a paragraph with four or five sentences is TL;DR. You zoomers brains are just absolutely fried. Rip
this nigger cannot into comparisons, and does the ole whipper snapper skit. worthless words

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>Hyper realistic FF7 is absolutely soulless.

Should have used an anime style on the vein of DQ XI or Ni no Kuni but i guess that ship sailed when they did AC all those years ago.


The way i see it people just wanted to believe. It´s the only explanation for the current situation. I guess people just didn´t expect it to be THAT underwhelmingly disappointing but hey, at least they woke up and didn´t support the next entry so if SE suits don´t have their heads too buried into their own asses they may take the hint.
Only when games go back to 2000s level budgets will gaming be healed. This modern era with its budgets of $400,000,000+ with 500+ employee teams and games that need to sell 1,000,000 copies to break even, and one game flopping tanking developers who have been in the industry for decades is fucking bullshit and needs to die.
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Modern "Gaming" needs to die.
quite sad to see this kind of naive hopeful outlook on a beautiful bright future for the medium and nowadays people excitedly talk about removing all human input from the process and gobbling up ai-generated slop asap.
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>Fucking Yoko Taro hasn’t released a new console game in 7 years.
People really need to stop expecting a freelancer who isn't employed by SE to keep making games for them and save the company with a 2nd magical fluke..
He and Saito work well together but Taro is a freelancer and Saito is the man employed by SE from Enix and that man, that man kept extremely busy too.
The oft repeated cries about nothing since Automata are really tiring at this point, the man isn't bound by oath to save SE.

The man went on to create 3 very good games in 2021 and 2022 and they also released on consoles btw.
Aside from that he worked on Sino from 2017, did a full fledged alliance raid packed full of story for FFXIV that could comfortably sit inside the drakenier universe and then alongside VoC started work on a new NieR game that served as a perfect epilogue to the previous two, greatly expanded the lore and gave it an ending that can lead into a fourth NieR game. How much could a shitty EOS bait gacha game do in the space of 3 years? You tell me. For all the cries it wasn't a real NieR game they sure fell the second the third arc got into full swing. If you had any doubts still he was happy to pull the rug away and place you on the moon with 10H.
Outside of all that shit he's done for SE, he's wrote multiple short stories for them, wrote multiple stage plays, written new material for concerts, given them a manga to publish and worked on an independent stage play, anime and even a 404'ed gacha for SEGA.

The man has kept very busy. So has Saito. Don't forget he produced the megaflop Babylon's Fall for SE featuring his long lost Saito brother (Kenji Saito; Metal Gear Rising REVENGEANSU).
I get you really want a sequel to Automata but man, he's kept very, very fucking busy for a man in his 50's.

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>Parliament is about V5 politics, which are impossible to take seriously
>Night Road has the twink
>Book Of Hungry Names makes being an unstoppable killing machine lame
WoD fans are cursed
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retard-kun... dress to impress is obviously a stat regarding how "professional" an outfit looks
It's literally the stat of how good you look, did you even play the game?
No I'm not playing the skinner box cyoa
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For me, it's the Samurai Trousers. The fact that is also has a -3 Perceived temperature is a major bonus as well considering how hot it is.
lololol the weeb is walking around the city in his pajamas

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Why do you guys act like RPG games is a challenging genre? I see a lot of people say, "Have you even played x game?" As if people would lie about playing something? I don't get it.

If you can, name some RPG's you consider being the hardest. Because quite frankly, I don't think it's all that hard.
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>Why do you guys act like RPG games is a challenging genre?
Most people don't. But sometimes people discuss relative difficulty between (usually similar) games.
Discussions about relative difficulty are almost always derailed by people talking past each other and not understanding (much less agreeing on) what challenge even means in an RPG in the first place. Faggot OP is a perfect example of this but this thread has plenty of examples.
>>3473535 >>3473543
Case in point, fags immediately generalizing that RPGs don't take "skill" (whatever that means) and anything requiring more attention than Chrono Trigger is just "tedious and cumbersome".
Obligatory ARPG fag too mentally crippled to do anything but apply action game standards.
>dungeon crawlers and whatnot, so they're magically no longer RPGs.
Dungeon Crawlers are RPGs (mostly), although sometimes lack the game world detail expected in an RPG.
And again it's not clear what this guy imagines "challenge" should be in an RPG.
Random whiny redditor chimes in trying to win dumbest post award.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I don't know or care what side of this stupid argument you're on, I just saw your post on the front page and came in to tell you you're a faggot.

Carry on, everyone.
I know, you love being a retard on a board for retards and can't help telling me about it.
>don't use items
>don't use debuffs
>don't use buffs
>don't use status ailments
>because "none of those do anything anyway"
>spend hours grinding levels to make up for a deficit you could've made up for with any of the above
>"wow why are rpgs so boring, grindy, and easy???"
the above is how the average "rpgs aren't hard and never can be" person's experience with rpgs goes.
>but that's a strawman!
no, it's a real man, one whom you've seen many of in your years of being online talking about video games.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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What gave it away? The giant model city or the LAVA CORRIDOR
Tried making a volleyball minigame

~Video demonstration
Now put them in skimpy bathing suits
I'd play this!
How can I play this?
Is this more derenaged that the dude who made an rpg about how much the hate Yandere dev.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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i fucking did it
i may have had to basically cheat by using a +20 youkai sword that i'd been grinding, but all that really ended up protecting me from was a handful of ambushes: just using items properly, hurrying up and figuring out what stuff does so i can use it, and other gameplay stuff was the bigger factor in making this happen. though of course i say all of that but having a +20 AOE sword really does make an obvious difference.
really fun game, i generally don't care much for roguelikes but this one was quite, dare i say, soulful. teared up at the end. great stuff.
guess i'll play shiren 2 on gb next lol
also, to detail a little bit more, the biggest jumpscare was probably the huge jump in damage (max level grim reapers are insane) and the biggest danger ended up being that i nearly starved. while walking around starving, i luckily had saved like 3 otogirisous and an entire pot of backs, and even with all of that i barely made it.
kinda wanna try and win without a cheat sword this time...
>shiren 2 on gb
Shiren 2 is for the Nintendo 64, the GB game is different, and the GBC game with a 2 in its title is yet another game

>cheat by using a +20 youkai sword that i'd been grinding
That's one of the intended ways to beat the game. If you can beat it without entering the warehouse you get a secret extra reward though
>clean up my psp and get new battery
>recently imported shiren4+ and decided to try it out w/ the english patch
>Game opens with shiren and koppa on a boat that gets swept up at sea and washing up on the shores of Hawaii
>fat natives accost them then try to burn them at the stake
>King from Tekken shows up and stops this telling Shiren and Koppa to go into the jungle and get a jaguar eye gem to prove they're actually adventurers
>One of the NPCs is like "what's an onigiri? We eat bananas here"
Shiren 4 is a weird game

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
Lol worst game in the series. Imagine being worse than 2 xD.
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If only it tied into something deeper...
Yeah thats around the time the story becomes incomprehensible trash. First 2 disc's are cool though
GF's give you Alzheimer's, stop victim blaming.
How is it in the jap script?

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Hey American
yeah hey American
mister comedian mr comedia come here
how did you like based Fallout Sonora
oh right i tought you didnt, fag
you only speak amerikan HaHa
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Yeah the thread is fucked. Thats why I'm not replying to OP or the thread. I'm replying to you. Lube up and prepare to receive my message.
You think I give a shit? OP is a dirty whore.
Oh it's a group-message now. You're getting messaged haRd. The OP can watch if he wants to.
this is cuber bullying
didn't this just get translated

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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>after you help Preston with the raiders in the museum
>preston shoots one of the survivors
>people scream lookout hes a synth
>after you kill him your character says holy cow that was a robot? what year is it?
Fallout 4 is only good for playing a strongfat bandit warlord lady with a shota sex slave.
It's fun if you just want to build settlements and explore dungeons but the quests are awful and the factions are shit
Pitch black oil for blood, small microdot barcode somewhere on the body that could be mistaken for a birthmark, sparks when a limb is broken
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Reminder that this full remake of New Vegas inside Fallout 4 is still in development

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Fallout4NewVegas/videos

Dev discord where they post news and updates: https://discord.com/invite/jaCkBFz
just remember to never make any posts and mute every channel that isn't an announcement channel

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You would think that one of the most popular pulp genres would lend itself rather well to RPGs.

Why are there no noteworthy horror RPGs?
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when did this board become infested with aggressive retards? clearly not what anon meant you projecting dunce.
>People listen to stories to learn how to interact with situations they haven't met yet,

>source: my asshole

okay faggot, thanks for shitting up the thread
Fucking hell, just kiss already you buncha gays.
Most useless reply in thread

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Playing BG1, just finished candlekeep, whole party is level 7, still have to do the TotSC stuff, but honestly, I kinda just wanna get a move on to BG2. Will I suffer massively if I go into BG2 at only level 7?
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>savescumming level ups for max HP was worse.
Isn't there a setting in the game to automatically roll maximum hp on level?
Only for the first level. Otherwise, you need a mod like Tweaks Anthology.
EE has the option.
Yep, EE incorporated a large number of community mods, that being one example.
If your chars are already at the TotSC xp cap (161k iirc) and all you care about it min maxing, all you’d be missing is I believe one additional wisdom tome, and any of the importable items that you don’t have (you only get three, there’s a list of possibilities and a default choice if you don’t have any of them)

However, Durlags in particular is a really cool dungeon, and the best one in the game, so if you enjoy dungeon delving you won’t want to miss it. But it’s side content and has no bearing on the plot, so if you’re really sick of bg1 you won’t be screwing yourself. However, it’s a pretty good expansion, and I would suggest playing through it and finishing it all. Going from late game 1 to early game bg2 will be a big shift down in power level, if you care about that, before it ramps back up. Also, bg2 had a different feel and style than bg1, bg2 feels more like shuffling through a theme park of dramatic set pieces, rather than bg1 feeling like a proper campaign. I like both games but I wouldn’t be in a hurry to skip the rest and jump into bg2, unless you think that sounds more fun and appealing to you.

What went wrong? How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?
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if they have the power to become bad they also have the power to become good. You are a retard if you think change can happen only in one direction. stay cucked mate.
not trying to chase current trends only to be horribly outdated once the game releases because a decade has passed since then
>How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?
Bring back 4 niggas in a row and turn combat. FF is saved.
go back
stay here

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