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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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If everything that exists needs a creator then God needs a creator too because it exists. Creationism is fucking retarded.
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>The Observable Universe isn't all there is, it's all we can observe from the Earth
The observable universe is everything that can be empirically observed and measured in some way, and we can speak of things beyond that but that is getting into metaphysics. The observable universe follows the laws of physics based on empirical observation, but anything that isn't part of the natural universe doesn't have to follow those laws. It isn't sound to extrapolate the natural/physical laws to everything that exists beyond the physical universe. Some people who are materialists even think that's all there is, but I disagree with that.
>not necessarily true
Care to explain why?

Intelligence, implying cognition, is the flux and processing of information for thought-making, analyzing and problem solving.
It necessarily requires a system to operate that flux. A system as such is necessarily partially closed. Flux necessarily involves motion which necessarily occurs within space-time. Thus intelligence necessarily necessitates a partially closed system in motion existing within space/time.
"Infinite intelligence" is a silly phrase with no real implications. Intelligence is merely the efficiency of cognition, it doesn't define it.
Misleading term
"Behavior" fit better, describing these as the consistant observations they are not the absolute statements they are claimed to be.
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>Care to explain why?
The first proposition I mentioned is false because it assumes the second one. The second one I mentioned is not necessarily true because it was simply asserted and I don't see why it has to be true, no reason why given why it should be true.

>Flux necessarily involves motion which necessarily occurs within space-time.
It can happen in space-time but there is no reason to think that is the only way. Maybe you're playing with definitions and redefining them privately? To my understanding, a "person" is a subsistence or entity that also has a mind and intelligence. It can refer to something in space-time, but again, it doesn't really, by definition, have to. If you define it that way, you're not using the normal usage of the word intelligence.
>that possibility shouldn't deter our investigations.
So show me your investigations for a 6000-year-old Earth with talking snakes and floating zoos that you haven't been deterred from.

>It literally is
"Creationism is not retarded!"
"Prove it"
"God exists!"
"Not your position."
"It literally is"
Stop lying.

>Or are you only talking about arguments for the existence of God?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What were the Arab States' war-aims for the First Arab Israeli War?
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Driving the Jews into the sea, as they said for next 30 years, without much success
jordan wanted to take over a crossing and fortify the west bank, syria and egypt wanted to assist the arabs in the war effort. that's about it
It doesnt matter. One humiliating defeat after the other.
Revisionism ever heard
What about Baltic-Germans state of Prussia?

Why caused African to never build civilization? No sails, no wheels, no metal, no farms, no cities, just hunter gatherers and cannibals sacrificing children to the juju spirits

Was low iq reason?
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imo it was the consistent comerce and communication between different communities is the reason for sub-saharan africa's civilizational's underdevelopment

now why was that the case, idfk
but here's more entirely personal, simplistic and subjective reasons for it:
>most tribes they lived relatively remote and isolated from each other
>africa is a very very harsh land, even one "simple" journey to the nearest tribe is a hardous task
>many tribes had no fixed location, they settle a spot only until it no longer provides suficient resources, upon which they pack their shit move
>very chthonic orientated spiritual beliefs, as such not a great interest in "ethereal" and abstract notions, who cares about writting (the true mark of civilization) when everything you need is food, shelter, good health to hunt and play, friends to share silly experiences with and a woman to warm you in the night
>a common theme in african mythologies is that of "the Bush", which is seen as a place of primordial evil and horror, standing in stark contrast to the safety and easily understand human world of "the Village"

this last imo explains why some tribes have brutal "coming of age" rituals for males - the world outside the tribe's settlement is seen as a sort of demonic realm, only the strongest warriors can survive and as such the tribe's hunters will not accept weakness from their men
Anyways, since you believe in "Eurasian civilization". I'm sure you'd be okay with importing millions of your Eurasian brothers: Arabs, Iranians and Algerians to the White countries around the world. Hell, you can even let in some Somalis and Oromos.
>Iron tools were indigenously made from smelting facilities by Africans.

All evidence points to iron being introduced by chariot riding Eurasians around the sahal region.
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>You like cherry picking don't you? Yeah some Somalis have more Nilotic monkey DNA then others but most of Eurasian bone structure same for Ethiopians
Just name a Eurasian group with this phenotype
All even tinier and less complex

Why did people believe homosexuality was inextricably linked with fascism?
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Some real meta-foolery going on in this day-in-age.
Not just retarded... but retardedededededed.
people didn't believe that
gorky is an animal not a person
Pure coincidence.
>youre jewish if youre not delusional about what women are
Hating eastern bloc countries for homophobia is the biggest whataboutism thing ever because every country had homophobic laws at that time, including Nazi Germany and parliamentary democracy Britain. None of the countries were free of guilt in that era. It’s not some Socialism specific thing.

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According to exoteric normie Christians, someone who was raped as a kid needs to forgive their rapist or else their own sins will condemn them to hell. Am I correct in this statement?
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>forgiveness is impossible
>but hate and human vengeance are things of evil.

You think it's evil for you to hate someone who sexually assaulted you at your most vulnerable stage?
Yes. It is right to hate the sin, it is wrong to hate the sinner. Even secular law agrees with this teaching, if any judge, solicitor or member of the jury is found to have a personal motivation for their judgement of the accused, then they are removed from the trial. Only the LORD is perfectly just to pass sentence on other, humans are inherently flaws and thus, so too is their judgement
Why don't you pray to God to teach you how to forgive something really awful then? I doubt you will.

It was about state rights
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They knew how to pick it. They're picking some 200 pounds of it a day. they're being pushed along by armed minders. No matter how careful you try to be or how good your rhythm is, you're gonna hurt your hands. But anyway, it wasn't the bolls so much as the sun, heat, stooping, and just the straight punishing repetitive drudgery.

once again, the whites themselves believed the work was bad for whites. they believed they needed a naturally tougher, more enduring species of man to do it at the scale they wanted it done, and they believed Africans were just that. being a clown and pretending it was easy shit is more than just dumb, it negates the alleged need for slaves in the first place.
>the negro is not equal to the white man
Where's the lie
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>but we still want blue states' tax money and military infrastructure plzzzzzzzzzz
Oh no picking cotton was so difficult
25 years, faggot

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Are Europeans even white?
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>youre a loser if you are not forced out of your home and have to seek shelter from a distant colony
This is simply not true, Scandinavians have contributed much to human culture and science, from the music of Edvard Grieg to the quantum physics breakthrough of Niels Bohr.
The North vs. South shitflinging is D&C tactics from MENAs to divide us, we're all white and European here.
>Not colouring Finland as yellow
Nice cope snow chink
yeah everyone's white especially those brown skinned spanish and italians
No, you’re a loser if you stay in poverty and squalor instead of going out and carving your own place out of a different land. That’s why the best europeans no longer live in Europe.

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Why does the US not have a single good war song from around the WW2 period? Or hell, even throughout the early 20th century. Soviets get hundreds of bops. Germans get hundreds of bangers. US? Not a single one. I can think of "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" and that song sucks.

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The Habsburgs were epic but I hate their fuckin CHINS

Why did they have to inbreed so much and create those fucking pointy chins, moon-faced motherfuckers
Charles V was before the inbreeding
It was Charles II who turned the family tree into a circle
As you can see from the pic he still has the fuckin moon face even if he wasn't a mongool
It wasn’t inbreeding that made the chin. Inbreeding doesn’t make new traits it just exaggerates existing ones. The chin was just Charles V’s trait, he was naturally born with it like Jay Leno. It got exaggerated in his descendants because they kept fucking each other.

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if white people are superior then how come every single ancient civilization was built by brown people?
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redpill me on the bell beakers
This specific is tomb is not in the study. They only tested slave graves that contained either no grave goods or mud jugs.
nordic conquerors that resembled modern northwestern europeans that conquered all of europe, the romans are the result of bell beaker men and eef women
Retard. It indeed is in the study. ll the grave goods were golden objects and precious gems.
Who "we" we are talking about? Sardinians?

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Redpill me on zen buddhism. Which book is the best place to start studying Zen?
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Was your procedure painful at all? I hear the operation can hurt and I kind of like not being retarded. How do you like being retarded?
If you're worried about the pain just meditate. That's the same thing. You're virtually lobotomizing yourself when doing mindfulness meditation. You're creating the same mental state that a lobotomite has when they have that big dumb smile on their face, living totally in the moment.
>meditation is virtual lobotomy
The absolute state of modern people.
Learn about the perennialism and christian mysticism
You can not join a religion that is not a part of your culture, most of the information you will find will not be authentic

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>Don't fight unless you're sure you can win.
>Appear weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.
>Take your enemy by surprise.
>Make sure your men are fed and paid.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Why is this stuff treated as some genius revelation?
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It could be argued that if you're drained by the attacks more than your adversaries you're not actually strong and thus shouldn't be baiting, and if you're being challenged you're failing at appearing strong.
But yeah, the art of war is about as universally applucable as it is obvious. Meaning not at all.
>if you're drained by the attacks more than your adversaries you're not actually strong
it doesn;t matter if your adversaries are drained more by the attacks or if you are drained more by the attacks . Either way you are more drained than you would be otherwise and likely to be more vulnerable and in a less opportune position in the future to deal with other adversaries than if everyone just respected you and didn't try to test you.
That's dumb, you're just moving goalposts. There's no analysis if you just change the table to whatever fits your argument.
If you're just going to add "other" adversaries you might as well just retort that by not baiting the attacks individually now you're just asking to be ganged up on later by both the current and future adversaries. Or that you might be weaker later on for external reasons and you just wasted the resources you didn't use on baiting attacks.
>Why is this stuff treated as some genius revelation?
Because it was written at a time when trying to predict the future by interpreting the patterns of spilled animal guts was considered a very credible tactic.

Also, even though people like you continue to decry TAOW for being way too basic, warring factions around the world just seem to keep forgetting the basics in question. Funny that.
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>If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
for example is still very insightful. Honest and thorough self-reflection and assessment before beginning any task is often undervalued or done too hastily or shallow.

>When invading hostile territory, the general principle is, that penetrating deeply brings cohesion; penetrating but a short way means dispersion.
Is this obvious when considering the behavior of thousands of men? I don't think so.

>If you are careful of your men, and camp on hard ground, the army will be free from disease of every kind, and this will spell victory. When you come to a hill or a bank, occupy the sunny side, with the slope on your right rear.
Know a route that is on "hard ground" aka not through swamps, marshland, rice paddies to not give them them schistosomiasis, typhus or malaria; give your soldiers enough sun to ward of disease, even in the 19th century during the Crimean war the British army had more casualties through disease than battle. The role of disease and the minimizing of it is of vital importance but not really obvious.

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From young boomers' perspective, literally what point was there to protest the Vietnam War aside from it being fashionable to do so?

>"bring our troops back!"
>*also spits on them*
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Yeah Vietnam turning communist was sooooo bad for America and the entire world
Shitler declared war on USA lol
that wasn't what world war 2 was about let alone why the USA was involved in it
>many were being forced to go
>no interest in fighting wars for bankers so vietnamese kids can one day attend drag queen story hour
I wonder if the leaders of student organizations being Zionist who were probably mad that Israel was getting ignored was a coincidence

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Still hasn't returned.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
2 more weeks.
Waisting his time in heaven.
2 millenia,since last time.
How much more do i have to wait?
Please tell me.
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He's never going to return, lmao.
He's peak "dad went to get the milk", lol.
Jesus said to preach to everyone in the world, and we are still not done.
I saw someone here say that people in around 1,000 AD thought the second coming was imminent to the point where some kingdom didnt bother selecting a new king when the old one died. is it true?
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>Still hasn't returned.
>Still waiting.
>Still waiting.
>2 more weeks.
>Waisting his time in heaven.
>2 millenia,since last time.
>How much more do i have to wait?
>Please tell me.
>How much more do i have to wait?
you don't have to wait for something that has already happened

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