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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle posts
>Twist of the Wrist 3 plot, cast, & bike list
>Too Many T7s
>Too Many Cooks
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Half tempted to buy one of them cheapo chineseium/pajeetium or "assembled in America" bikes just to learn how to wrench when it inevitably starts falling apart.
I figure it will be easier to learn how to fix things as they break instead of having to rebuild an old tattered bike. I just don't wanna buy 80's scrap metal that will take me a year to get into riding condition since I know that would just tank my motivation.
Should I do it? If so, which baiku should I molest?
Get a Shotgun 650
Yamaha USA cant keep accessories in stock to save their lives.
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>Why are they so gay?
who? ledditors?

I'm pretty firm on ATGATT, but I wouldn't lecture other adults on why they should wear gear. however, places like /r/motorcycles are the no-fun police, where safety matters more than actually riding. therefore you get people like OP, who have been told they HAVE to start on a small bike and work their way up, so they genuinely believe they have to go from 25hp to 35hp, otherwise they'll instantly crash and die

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If you drive faster than the posted speed limit then you have absolutely no right to lecture left lane campers about the law. You are a hypocrite and I do not move for road bullies.
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I think he just wanted somebody to reply.
isn't the person going slow in the left hand lane ruining everyone's commute the bully?
if the other drivers get to pass then everyone gets to go on their merry way unbothered
>Washing car is not illegal.
Washing your car on the street or even in your driveway or garage is illegal in most cities.
Meanwhile in reality cops are chewing on donuts while cruising 80

Shut the fuck up and drive faster, if you're a scared little bitch turn in your license. Speed limits are too low in the US and neanderthals like you are impeding progress because you think the speed limit should never change? Why? BECAUSE DAS DA LAW DURRR as if laws can't ever change if people deem it necessary. It's an arbitrary number and is used for revenue collection. If you defend the speed limit you're a pawn of the zog and should kill yourself.
Not really, i still arrive at all my destinations on time. Speed all you want, im just referring to people that somehow continuously fuck up by going 20+ over right after they've already gotten a slew of tickets. Like what is going on in their head, not much i imagine

>what you wanna call the new V12 Ferrari, bro?
>"12 Cylinders"

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normal internal monologue
>"I must go to the store and buy some milk"
italian internal monologue
We can respect anybody releasing a brand new 6+ litre NA V12 in the year of our Lord 2024.
This name may very well have to do with this possibly being Ferrari's last V12.
Didn’t they name one of their cars 4 valves, or some shit?
cylinderlets btfo

I thought Porsche was supposed to be reliable???

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What are some of the best badass cars? Cars that make you feel like a Russian gangster, ruthless dictator, or international spy? Cars that are truly villanous, evil if you will. Masculine, cool, a little sleazy maybe but not cheesy. Think Escalade, not H2. And of these badass rides, which is actually not so bad to drive, own and maintain? Picrel is probably a shitheap but at least it sounds great and looks and feels the part. Older 7 series fit the bill too. G-wagons too, but those are so overpriced and trendy now it’s ridiculous. What is your take, and have you owned any true boss cars?
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G-Classes. They're used a lot by Russian mobsters and Russian government agencies.
>e coupe or v8 e
>not boss
Pick one
Holy shit, chill with the trips.

>e38 was for the younger, lower level gangsters and w140 were driven only by the top tier who were chauffered around
It's a little bit more involved than that - there are subgroups to slav criminal groups at the time. As on over-simplification there was a "Vor v zakone" caste which were people who went through the Soviet prison system and followed all the "prison rules" - that's where you see the tattoos from. These pretended to be rules and be "high class" in their own way. They drove mercs. Businessmen drove mercs too. The new wave were former KGB/GRU agents, athletes, they drove the BMWs. I guess out of the new wave, the party connected phds also drove mercs. But yea, there is some truth to the young/old dichotomy too.

> Also I bought an e39 m5 and apparently it was a popular criminal car back then
Yes, absolutely true, but the 7 series with the V12 is more iconic.

> Also my grandpa was a kgb agent, had a Volga in the 80’s
There was a special Volga model for KGB agents, see here: https://www.rbth.com/history/336064-soviet-kgb-secret-sleeper-cars-volga

Will answer any questions related to any of these topics for the next 30 minutes if anyone is interested.

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>finally pay off car
>deer immediatly jumps infront of it
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Deep ditches or bush on either side of the highway or long grass coupled with high speeds
I hope you learn the hard way because you are way too smug
"Why can't you use your brakes?"
>lists things that are off the side of the road
I think you need to learn the difference between brakes and steering, anon.

>I hope you learn the hard way
What is there to learn? Deer jump in front of my car, I use the brakes, no problem.

>You are smug!!1!one!
When was I smug at any point? I am trying to teach you how to not hit deer, and you refuse to learn. That is you being retarded, not me being smug.
ITT: anons experience bait
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how the fuck do mirrors see that shit?
Anon, do you know what mirrors are and what they do?

The deer appears to come up from the left rear. In which case it would be plainly obvious to see in the side mirror.

If the deer came up directly from the left, switch "mirror" to "window" and the same thing is true.

Either way, if you're so tunnel-visioned that you can't notice a deer coming up with the mirrors/window, you probably shouldn't be driving.

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why do some people absolutely SEETHE at lane split gods?
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The CHAD peace trucker
the virgin lane crosser over.
You didn't rebut a single thing.
Try again.

If you Pass on the Right Side in California (non-lanesplitting scenario) you are subject to a citation.
Lane Split in the left lane, on the left side.
>Naw I'll do whatever I want.
I've never had anyone intentionally block me when I'm filtering but I constantly come across people with terrible lane positioning. About 1 in every 25 cars will sit almost on the line. Cunt there's enough room for me to filter between semis.
Picrel is what it's usually like, tons of space.
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And that's how you end up with everyone hating bikers and not caring when you inevitably wrap yourself around a tree

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I keep being tailgated almost every time. Even though I do the speed limit. I know it's not my speedometer because it was checked. What gives? If it were a rare moment here and there then fair enough but this is 90% of the time and I keep my cool to not let it become a confrontation but it's irritating.
This wasn't the case a few years ago.
Does anyone else experience this?
I feel like this is the sort of stuff that would cause confrontations the most for people who aren't level headed.
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That's the worst part
Just go around
Why do these people think I want to hang out with them on the road and shit?
I've noticed that it depends on which car I drive on whether I get tailgated or not. If I drive my Lexus I usually don't get tailgated. If I drive some old POS like a Mazda 626 I'll probably get tailgated.
Of course, Audi and BMW drivers are the worst ones when it comes to tailgating.
It's called the passing lane you filthy peasant
Why the fuck are you going the speed limit?
Bet you drive a small car.
When I drive my civic no matter how fast I go, someone is on my ass.
Jump in the old 25 yr Ford 4x4 and people will not get near me.
Weird how that works

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This mechanic has been operating a shop out of the Home Depot parking lot for weeks and Home Depot hasn't done shit. There is an O'Reilly's on the property so he is all set. This proves that there is always somewhere to work on your car.
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>provides value by providing an inferior service that detracts from the homogeneity and sense of professionalism and respect

Your the sort of person that fills his yard with wrecked cars and lets his shitheaps leak motor oil into the storm drains and then wonders why his neighbours all want him gone. Now post hand, Pablo
>buy expensive tool needed for a single job
>same day return
Imagine getting your car serviced while you eat tacos and get your balls washed.
there are a few mechanics in my city whose customers follow them around to whatever shop works out the best at the time. very rare, but every one of their customers would take their near-collector-grade classic cars to them in a taco bell parking lot if that's where they worked
>detracts from the homogeneity
Good thing you have plenty of homo to balance it back out, all by yourself.

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Is this true?
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>it's no longer Chevy vs Dodge vs Ford
That's right, because Japan makes better trucks. All three already lost.
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It's not about the motor, it's about the batteries exploding.
Progress has a price chud
We all hope you'll pay it.
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He's not wrong, but perhaps trucktard doesn't realize the issues with electric vehicles are present in any newer model too.
>infotainment systen detects the use of the word "nigger".
>car no longer starts
>insurance cancelled.

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I think that something like 60% of Americans should just be driving toyota corollas from a purely financial responsibility perspective.
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You can just sell bitcoin on any exchange. Crypto.com, coin base, or what ever exchange you use. I would never sell it though, if i wanted money i would just give a bank access to to a portion via a wallet and leverage it for a loan. that way you only pay interest and avoid capital gains. If bitcoin crashes its not really my problem and my credit just goes to shit.
That would be sick.
I live in Finland. 20-25% of new car sales are Toyota hybrids. Another 25% is CUV PHEVs for avoiding the emission taxes. Another 25% is BEVs, mostly in the Model Y/Id4 mold.

Its a goddamn boring car market if sensible.
Miata, Type R, Hellcat, Demon, Zupra, M4, Elantra N, WRX, GR Corolla

There's plenty of cars out now that are interesting if you don't have your head up your ass

inb4 some cope post nitpicking little things about car. You said interesting. These are all interesting cars in their own way
They already do

Thoughts on GM's 3.0 liter twin turbo?

I'm thinking about getting a Cadillac Blackwing. I'd like the V8 model but that's an extra $40k. I know GM V8s are good but I have no idea about their V6s.
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If you are not a Muslim, get the Cady.
My work buddy has one, shit’s fast and so far no issues, it’s been 3 years and her dailies it.

The only real downside is that M6 is only offered on the V8 Blackwing.
Have you considered an IS500?
I'm not OP but they are just colors, you insecure, small-minded retard. But stay afraid of simple things in life.
Is this true for the 3.8L L36 V6 too?
3.8 pushrod is stout, but the later DOHC V6 had horrific timing chain problems at first launch.

Only time will tell if GM actually addressed these problems in terms of long-term reliability.

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post japanese nuggets
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For me, it's the "car"
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Totally realistic house pairing. I bet someone who only owns that car definitely has a $30k snap-on toolbox and 50 gallon compressor.
ironically with modern day weeaboo imports that's exactly where i'd expect to see that kind of car
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Honda That's

I constantly see posts like this both here and other places.

>it was raining and I went 90mph with bald tires, but it's not my fault that I crashed right?

>I was texting while driving and hit a deer because I didn't pay attention to the road, but that's not my fault right?

>I got a nail in my tire, didn't fix it, and my tire didn't magically repair itself, the tire must be defective right?

Are these trollposts or does the average driver seriously not have the brain function to understand what they did wrong?
nigger cattle that're programed to get addicted to mental state altering medication are literally surrounding you 500 to 1, of god damn course they drive bad you dumb motherfucker.
When I was in high school they had me zonked up on meds too, it didn't suddenly make me unable to use basic logic. I just don't get how anyone can survive but also be that dumb.

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