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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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what would the injuries be had the cage not been there? are we talking broken bones or a travis level tragedy?
it would for sure bite the shit out of him and maybe break his leg, but I don't think orangutans usually go for the groin or face when they're pushed to violence
It looked pretty pissed off so I suspect some biting would be on the menu far sooner than it was actually attempted
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just going by what males do to eachother, they can destroy us pretty handily in a fist fight
I'm just glad pongos seem to know their own strength and stop short of anything fatal
they should be respected just like any other creature capable of doing great harm to you
reminds me of that dad joke
My friend came up to me with a carrot in his ear so I asked him
"Why do you have a carrot in your ear?"
and he responded

>just discover the funny trivia that rabbits eat their own poop
>I remember that in islam pork is considered impure for a similar reason
>do a quick google research to discover if rabbit meat is halal or haram
>it's fucking halal and it's consumption is actually endorsed in the quran

Godamn islam is pure hypocrisy
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That would definitely make sense. Also important to remember that they have sky high rates of schizophrenia. A lot of their ‘beliefs’ could have very well been written down by a paranoid mad man/men and thus inconsistencies are to be expected
That seems unlikely. It’s certainly not anything resembling a habit for most
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All the inbreeding that led to this being the case occured during the middle ages, way after the jewish dietary laws were codified.
To my knowledge, the "poop" that rabbits eat are different from the poop pellets they shit out. They eat it to complete their natural digestion process. Pigs eat shit just because.
That's an instinct that helps transfer the bacteria they need to digest cellulose.

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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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After a long day of rocket league
this is my kot, she is 18 years old and will scream if not fed at 8am sharp
Is that a filter, her eyes are so pretty :o
nope, she's just always looked like that
she was given anesthesia and surgery to set the leg and pain killers after too but those things wear off in a few hours
maybe it was something internal she passed away on the second day
last few hours she was wailing and looked desolate but i thought its just a leg

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these budgies piss me off! they make so much noise! look I don't think it's their fault, it's probably society's fault because my mom thinks it's ok to keep birds in a cage. I told my mom many times that I think it's ok to have birds as long as you let them out of their cage and train them but she tells me "they're not trained. they're ok in the cage. they're happy" heck nah they be screaming so much and she says they make good noises. what should I do? I can tell her again I think her keeping the birds untrained and in a cage all the time is not good for them but she'd probably just say they're fine... it's like if someone kept birds in a cage countries away from me and I tell them that's bad because the birds would be happier trained and outside a cage. sure I'll spread awareness but we'll it's as if people don't think of everything. my question for you guys is how do I keep these birds quiet? how do I convince my mom that she shouldn't have birds if they're not trained. also I have this question, should someone keep a dog if they're not trained? I would say cats are ok untrained but my male cat has started hissing at his sister a lot recently. I believe everyone should be trained, from mice to humans.
You just and asked so much shit
we're in the same boat brother
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Put them in a plastic bag and trow them in the dish washer for a good 30min should do the trick. On a serious note tho move out of your mother house you disgusting greaseball. If i find you bad mouthing your mother on 4chan agin im gona come and train you to squeel like a feral hog.
>also post hands
>they make so much noise!
Budgies are noisy inside and outside the cage. Thats the natural sounds. You can never make budgies quite.
>they're ok in the cage
They should fly. Its recommended 4 hours outside the cage. More importantly, clean the cage. It is very dirty. Dirty cage can make budgie and humans sick.
>I think her keeping the birds untrained
You dont need to train budgies. You can let untrained budgies outside if you close the windows and doors.
>how do I keep these birds quiet?
Budgies are not quite. A sad budgie will stop making sounds. Happy budgies sing. Angry and sick budgies scream. What kid of sound yours make?
>how do I convince my mom that she shouldn't have birds if they're not trained
I keep untrained budgies. They fly and they are happy. Flying doesn't need training. The budgie knows how fly inside and out the cage.
>what should I do?
First, clean the cage. Show your mom how fun it is, show her videos of flying budgies and trained budgies.

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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>15 bumps from former OPs when they don't even post that often in their own ops

What triggered then this time?
This really is the third time your little drama war has created an excess OP. Fuck off.
Disengage, nobody is forcing you to type.
Give your dogs a pat for me
These are awful trainers who should be consulted as a last resort due to a dangerous or self-endangering dog

Otherwise using brutal methods like these can cause fallout, especially apathy and fear aggression

Also WSAVA is a corporate scam. Most of the world feeds their dogs table scrabs and they live 15+.

It might not look like much, but Nicotiana tabacum has killed more people than every other plant combined.
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Buck broken by state propaganda that had to be astroturfed into society

One tobaccoin has been deposited into your account
Needs a lot of sun. Also they generally get pretty big. Mine usually grow 6+ feet easily, a couple feet wide.
They do well in a pot but you should probably try growing it on a balcony or something if possible.
Tobacco was a perfectly fine thing, as the americans used it. More or less used universally a rarely imbibed and a meaningful thing to take into you in a ceremonial context.

Then some europeans came along and got ahold of it.
Pretty sure they were huffing on that shit for more than just ‘ceremonies’ bud
>big sister comes onto me
>pop some gum into my mouth, chew and breathe out a minty fresh 'no way fag'

Terror birds are fucking overrated predators. Only reason why people obsess over them is because they're the only hypercarnivore terrestrial bird, the closest thing to Dinosaur raptors. People keep glazing these birds because they're annoyed that mammals dominate the current age. But frankly, terror birds are terrible predators compared to mammals.

>On average, terror birds weigh less than mammalian apex predator.
>Sharp beaks but are not as useful or powerful as toothed jaws.
>No teeth means can't hold down large prey with mouth like canines, felines, and bears can.
>Reduced forelimbs means less weapons for hunting and combat unlike cats and bears that can use all four limbs.
>Can't wrestle nor jump on backs like cats and bears do which allows them to take down big preys like bovines.
>No evidence for pack hunting or high intelligence like canines. Canines can compete against bears and felines because of their numbers.
>Pathetic hollow bones means they're very robust.
The North and South American interchange resulted in these birds being bullied and displaced by chad mammals. They aren't as good as hunters as cats nor can they beat one in combat unless they have significant weight advantage. Felines, Canines (with numbers), and Bears have a good chance at taking down large herbivore preys but terror birds? They're way to weak and lack the weaponry. Terror birds only hunted small or medium sized prey animals.
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Correct. Very overrated animals.
Birds fell for the wing meme and so cannot evolve clawed hands ever again.
birbcucks… we were too short sighted…
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Didn't stop people in the 90s from coming up with shit like this.
Nature is not a video game tier list you absolute mongoloid.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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Hello do any of you have any experiance whit boiga dendrophilias? Im considering getting one but im a bit worried about the potency of their venom as people dont seem to be able to agree on how strong the venom is.
Generally that is just someone bamboozled by the “Appeal to Authority” fallacy.
>boiga dendrophilias? I
It's both very weak (don't need to see doc), and on rear-facing fangs, so you're unlikely to ever be envenomed, and even if you are you won't need antivenin.
Thats just what happens when normies get all of their info from youtube channels that look like this.
It was either that or "the guy in petco said" for them, they dont count.

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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I have no idea how they exist but they do. They look really fluffy though!
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Oops but yes, that one image is a fake. But the real ones are still just as cute. Sorry for spamming.
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That image isn't real right? This one is
The mites latch onto the bees when they collect nectar and pollen. The bees make walls inside tubes and secure their pollen inside, but the mites eat pollen and reproduce inside their nests and eat pollen meant for the bee it's offspring.
i love moths

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Realistically most ferals won't be able to get adopted out, especially as adults. Many of them are aggresive and don't like people. The best way to help them would be to build tiny houses in which they'd have beds, scratch posts, toys, etc and be sheltered from the elements. Then volunteers will be tasked to clean the homes periodically as well as feed them, vets will examine them as needed but otherwise they'll live independently in a colony with other ferals.
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Feed them until they're comfortable enough with you not to run away, then shoot them. This is a service to all the native animals plagued by feral cats.
you dont save lives by kiliing them
Feral cats need to be culled en-masse, and I say this as a Cat Enjoyer.
Oh goodie, another console war thread, riveting discussion ahead I’m sure
There's something so harsh about not just shooting them instead and tricking them

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im just asking, you dont have to be rude
I'm just acknowledging that I read it is all
Even owning (technically not mine) and coming to love him, they are a bit more like the "UwU he just wants snuggles xd" shit that people spout about pitbulls, but I still ASSUME dog aggression is on the cards, even though it's actually pretty rare and most cases have been someone letting their unsocialised misbehaving dog to try hump or piss on him, or an actual escaped game APBT. An outdoor Husky tried to maul him as a pup, so now he does have some reactiveness around Huskies and Malamutes (males at least). People treat the situation as either one of two retarded extremes, like I move him off the path and sit and wait to allow people to pass, not everyone likes dogs, and some people sneer like I just raped their granny right in front of them, or they get all "uWu he's a cute snugglebug xd".

Even the APBT "should" be reasonably human friendly, but I wouldn't exactly bet on it with a neurotic shelter mutt and a pitmommy
APBT will ALWAYS be dog driven even in a mix, whether that comes out as aggression is maybe not set in stone, but they will have a drive. Huskies are often dickheads too, so you may have a ticking timebomb. I'd probably stick with just reinforcing calmness and non-rectivity as you are, "it doesn't matter if there's a dog over there, leave it alone" being the message to the dog.

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Good post
note to self: never try to clean the skirt tetras tank's exterior at night with the lights off
they got spooked so bad i was worried they could ram themselves into the wall
I've had fish ram into things after being frightened. It is terrible. A flagfish I had hit herself so hard she got brain damage. After that she would just slowly swim in a spiral pattern until she hit the bottom, then shoot up to start again. She did that for a few days until she died. I'm not usually affected by nano fish death much, but seeing that was surprisingly horrifying.
I’m almost done finishing my basement and I’m putting a live edge piece along the “shelf” from where the foundation meets the studs. After I epoxy it I thought I could jazz it up with a neat freshwater aquarium, but I like to take my time and make sure everything is perfect so I’ll probably start buying supplies in a month or so. I’ve always had pets and I obsess over their care and wellbeing so whatever fish I get I want to make sure the conditions are perfect for that specific species. I’m doing a lot of my own research and it’s fruitful, thus I’m not so much asking for an entire how to guide, but I am curious; what is something you wish you knew as an absolute beginner? Even small tidbits would be appreciated
Need some guidance. This guy was free. He is in a 1.5 gallon hospital tank currently. He has a severely bloated swim bladder on both sides. Currently he's on day 3 of fasting. Next step for me is to add salt

Aquarium or epsom salt? I'll move to antibiotics if he doesn't respond to salt in 3 more days. I never used epsom on Bettas before and cured issues like this with aq salt in past. But wanna do well with him. He's a sweet boy. Tries to swim next to hand even in this state

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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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Nice jacket
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ver cool
Cities don't smell like piss and shit because of pigeons. They do because of humans. Pigeon shit is utterly harmless compared to the disgusting garbage and waste humans litter everywhere. The less offensive organic things which they eat would decompose with a festering rotting odor if not for them and other opportunistic feeders.
>had a dream about feeding the pigeons on my balcony up close
so comfy...

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I have a chihuahua and four fancy goldfish (three fantails and a black moor)
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Ball python (pastel), 6 Dendrobates tinctorius (azureus). As i currently have a stable job im considering getting either a few more tincs cobalt morphs or a boiga dendrophilia but im a bit worried about the boiga venom as people have quite diffrent opinions on its potency
Border collie mix, two tinct dart frogs, a kenyan sand boa, a green anole, and an aquarium with some galaxy rasboras, cardinal shrimp, a siamese algae eater, a couple rabbit snails, and an assassin snail.
Three snakes. It's fun watching them slither around in their enclosures and holding them is cool too but I'm kinda tired of cleaning up their shit all the time.

Are aquatics fun? I like the look of that black moor in OPs pic

The only way to really know how the venom will affect you is by getting envenomated, unfortunately.

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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Big Pet Food doesn't want you to know this, but the dandelions in the park are free, you can just dig them up and take them home.
I don't mind spending a bit of money for hay if it's consistently high quality every time, but the issue is that... surprise! It's not. I still buy it, but that's mostly on account of convenience and lack of a local contact.
What really gets me is people who will pay double digit dollars on Etsy for little bundles of twigs. Like ??? You don't know a single person with an apple or willow tree??????
My male rabbit, Softice, is allowed to free roam outside while under close supervision. This it the first time he meet the 2 new females, they turn 8 weeks old tomorrow.
Look at his tail, it stands up!
He is only allowed nose touching with the white sisters until they turn 6 months.
Softice cohabitate with a brown adult female 24/7 to prevent loneliness.
The white sisters will likely only get male visits about 4 times every year and will never cohabitate with a male.
Kinda wild that buns have whole entire tails, and they choose to limit their power level 99% of the time.
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mr bombastic

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