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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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Every pullback is an opportunity
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>and do longs after
Just sell your shitcoins anon. But If you care about RWA, welcome to the hub
bullrun is over
jews wont let us win

fuck this stupid ass wallet
requires like 50 clicks just for one txn
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I started using it about 2 weeks ago and I quickly said this is the best wallet I've ever used. Then started using coinbase wallet a few days ago because I was trying to solve the problem of swapping solana tokens and I like cb a lot. Still the perfect wallet would be one that has all chains embedded and allow cross chain swaps and I havent found one that allow cross chain swaps yet. Phantom claims to but it doesnt work and only a couple chains anyway, backpack claims too but clunky with a few chains and somewhat confusing like phantom.
god tier mobile wallet
Why is the Rabbit running>?
this is literally the best wallet on the market for EVM chains you dunce. if you're having to click too much, you're probably just a fucking retard.
Aren't you worried that the J's might fuck up its users somehow by some psyop?
I mean, you can clearly see the nose in that rabbits hands, while the paws symbolize rubbing hands.

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So I could buy this put a trailer on it with some solar panels and retire?

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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as much as I would like you to be right, I believe the line you speak of is this one (not much further). but oh boy if it's the purple one lfg.
I see a small pump >>58443439 like these, but all it will do is draw a new wedge pushing out to late june, it's going to open higher tomorro and walk it'self back down over the course of the next week and end up back in the wedge no doubt
I shouldn’t have sold my call…. I bought 6 shares out of it though….
You did the right thing
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I'm just happy there is excitement again

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>house comes to market
>oh I like this o-
>Pending Sale

I'm gonna be a rentoid forever
Yeah, honestly, probably the case.
>oh are you interested in this one? Great just book a walkthrough via our forAND SOLD BITCH NEXT TIME DON'T WAIT OVER AN HOUR TO COMMIT TO EVERYTHING I JUST SAID
Theres a reason why toyotas sell over MSRP while nissans cant move their shitheaps for $10k under.

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current dApps that i use regularly are Moonwell Finance and Stellaswap but you have to have GLMR because two of them are on Moonbeam Parachain (you can get some GLMR by swapping your DOT on StellaSwap swap feature: https://app.stellaswap.com/bridge/gas-swap)
other than those i sometimes use HydraDX for LPing, Bifrost for farming, and Interlay lending market (if you are in the US you can't use Interlay BTC bridge or Lending market because of the geoblocking).
their DeFi steadily increasing because of marketing, regular 30% APY (at least on Moonwell, Bifrost and interlay), now mature tooling and the soon-to-be-launched Liquidity Incentives Campaign on Stellaswap and HydraDX. because of that sometimes people can't withdraw stablecoins from Binance or Kucoin because now everyone withdraws but no one wants to deposit into the CEX because those juicy APY except Paolo / Circlecucks regularly top up to CEX wallet or CEX run out of stables and Polkadot plebs will start moaning/calling out Tether/Circle again on Twitter.
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What is going on polkadot bros? Is it finally our time?
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>average dotter
Keeps pamping. 0 attention

Why does biz hate polkadot?

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>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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Good things come to those who wait. On top of all the interesting developments, there was also language in the lawsuit that seemed to exonerate jpm. Stuff like
>bbby executives did not consult jpm when making final decisions on stock buybacks
I think Goldberg would be fine if these executives take the fall for acting alone and the waterfall gets half a billion. But I think he’d be even happier if these executives ratted on jpm to save their own skin. This also explains all the anti-Goldberg shilling that plagued this thread ever since picrel was posted.
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"Shareholders eligible for a payout must have purchased Enron stock between Sept. 9, 1997 and Dec. 2, 2001, the day the company went bankrupt. Shareholders who bought stock before that time or after bankruptcy are not eligible."

Im fucking excited for what is unfolding i am only concerned about the potential cutoff dates for a payout, as cash would be nice but either way we fucking squeeze hard with new equity disbursement and lil duggie has an aneurysm.

Idk if the enron case is in anyway applicable here, but i wonder what kind of crooked arguments the legal system will cookup as for a date range that is eligible for fraud compensation, considering the buyback fraud had an irreparable effect in perpetuity, and came with an irreparable opportunity cost of lost cash.

lil dugg gonna be duggin, he knows the new system that is coming will also be a scam but he is furious that he is going to be thrown under the bus the feign 'justice'.

Rc liked a tweet of
>pic related.

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checked, without knowing any nuances about enron case, I imagine many of us GIGA SLURPED post bankruptcy under 10 cents, i know i sure as hell did.
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>Verifies email
>Only posts 7 times before having to delete one and burn the ID
Post email verification shills can't even shamble
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criminally unchecked
kek dumbfuck bump baggies btw

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Just make it illegal to talk about, problem solved.
Why can’t they fed just forgive the debt
that would make all bonds worthless instantly and as bonds are the base collateral for the entire pyramid scheme you call economy, guess what happens to the economy when the principle backing the debt becomes worth 0
Raise income taxes for individuals to 80%
Duties on every thing from toilet paper to toothpaste to eggs.
Lower corporate tax to 11% to spur the economy
Raise property tax to 10%
Raise capital gains tax to 90%. Unrealized gains to 60%.
We get economic prosperity like the national socialists did when they just stoped playing the rigged game of the Jews

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>mfw there's literally no reason to EVER expect an increase in the chainlink token price, and there are STILL people holding it
aaaaand the pool's still full

all fields
I can’t sell I am locked in the pool. I suppose I could wait for 3 weeks to unlock tokens but I am too lazy

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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my brokers vix spread. lol
Buy nvda, buy it NOW!!
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LABUbros winning
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I duly Declare we live in the most corrupt times in human history.

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
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>ESL shillbot calling other people indians
le email verification face
If i sold now price would nuke to sub 1mcap. How you not fear of me that I could snap one day and MAKE IT OVER FOR GOOD
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Just took a look at where I sold 4M of this, now down 50%. Like this guy >>58442487 came to realize no one gives a shit for utility this cycle. I still think the project will rebound with their coinbase connections, but wouldn't doubt it's all insider pump and dump schemes, like most VC stuff >>58442480
>blockchain gaming
it was doomed from the start
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Binance won't verify my account. They are scared of me making millions of dollars. Clearly the only reason why this is happening to me.
are u a burger?

>$35,000/mo making handcrafted scissors for cutting bonsai trees
what's your excuse?
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Dont get me wrong, i am extremely poor and would also slut myself out for 35 bands a month, but doing the same repetitive task every. Single. Day. It gets demoralizing
I'm not a 65 year old Japanese master blacksmith? Do you really think a regular white dude could command that much for the same product? Customer is purchasing the brand / artist.
I'm a MAGA TRUMP holder
I get some of that money just for holding
Another question?
guaranteed you could make scissors just as good or better with modern manufacturing techniques for like $20. this is just your typical japtard autism.
>300 dorra for your raw fish, stupid gaijin!
machines can't make hand crafted scissors. They've been trying for years but can't

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I’m heavily invested in the retarded frog. I think it has the markings of a billion dollar marketcap memecoin. Is there any valid FUD around it? I’ve dug a lot, and I couldn’t find shit.
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its market cap may allow $.03-$.05 at peak mania. but never a dollar. i also have 500 million
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A x10-15 from here is pretty much guaranteed. And we're almost at the beginning of the post-halving bull run. Exciting times ahead.
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Why can't the #1 meme become the #1 meme coin?
$1 is way too high. That would put the market cap at almost half a trillion. I think $0.10 would be the absolute max, and $0.05 is more likely
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Fuck you faggots

I was unsure if I should buy Apu but this made me ape into it hardcore holy shit

The last Biz coin. That sounds freaking epic

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Is 25x annual living expenses post-tax enough of an exit number? For me, it seems $1.3M within an ETF withdrawing 4% annually should be enough
the 4% rule is out. the 2.7% rule is in

It's over FIRE-sisters...
Watch >>58443444's video. Just do it. Even if you don't understanding everything he's talking about.
There are a bunch of asterisks to going by a single SWR number, which only makes it useful as a very broad approximation.
Personally, I'd recommend trying to blow well past whatever SWR is in fashion so you don't have to micromanage your spending too much.

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WFH is rotting my brain bros. I sleep on the job and do 2hrs of work a week. I dont leave my house for weeks on end and shower once a week, brush my teeth every other day and scroll through youtube, tiktok, reddit 4chan for 95% of my time.

I need my enji coins to moon or its over for me
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>2 hours work a day
This is the part that kill’s me at least, just enough work that you have to keep an eye on it and can’t fully fuck off doing something else, but not enough work to make you actually busy. I used to have 5-6 hours of actual work and it was pretty good, now I’m in 2-3 hour hell as well
WFH was rotting my brain too. I was struggling with getting motivated to work on anything, and feeling guilty about it. Not a good mental loop.
So I did the honorable thing and I quit.
Now I've been chilling at home for a couple of years. So much of my identity was around my wagie status, it's been a shock to the system to do nothing for a living, but I think I'm starting to come to terms with it.
Then again, last night I had a dreadful nightmare: I was back at work, and my managers had just given me a horrible performance review. And it was public so the entire company could see how bad I'd done. They didn't even talk with me about it, just went straight to public shaming.
So maybe I'm still a recovering wagie. They should hand out chips for this.
damn so u just dont work and its been years? how do you live without working r u a rich crypto dude.
go on a walk every morning, 30 minute minimum. having a routine has been super important for me.

example routine
>wake up at 6 am
>read or read manga or something for an hour or two
>work out
>go on a walk and get sun
>then work

way more productive

as an alternative start smoking, made me way more productive. I quit for other reasons but that shit does work
In fairness, I had also accumulated a couple millions by waging and saving, but yes, I happened to click on a slashdot article about bitcoin a while back, read the forums filled with obvious crazies, ran a GPU miner for a bit, and then did nothing with it for a decade and change, which was apparently much more impactful than working every day for two decades.
Shit doesn't make sense.

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AI drawing MS Paint images and you still fading first AI-generated meme coin? LMAO FR???
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remember this ticker mfs: kibshi

>Anon, I've been working for this company since I was 16. I started off working part time and now I'm the CEO. Why should I hire a 30 year old with limited work experience?
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I'll suck your cock
Because I am you thirty years ago.
>I slept outside the ceo's house for 8 days straight until he offered to give me a job if I stopped sniffing his mail.
>That's the kinda grit it takes to succeed nowadays.
>Now they don't want to put in that kind of work
>Anyway, I noticed my secretary crying in the closet again, we should get a cry box so they can have mental health episodes in comfort.
There's a level of sociopathy required to excel in the corporate world and id prefer to be an autistic modestly successful WAGIE instead of a sociopathic CEO.
one of my uncles literally went into a financial firm and said something along the lines of "I'm going to work here, if I'm not helpful tell me to leave" and they said you got chutzpa kid and let him stay.
You have no choice - the alternative is selling to the chinese that hire the guy you refused to hire

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